STANDARDFÖRSLAGET som gick som motion till
SVERAKs årsmöte 2002
Ändringar i standardtext och poängfördelning är insatt med röd text.
(Standard proposal that went to SVERAKs Annual Meeting 2002
Changes in the standard text and distribution of points is inserted with red text.
Proposal for new birman standard that were developed by participants at the Birman Seminar 2000 in Örebro, Sweden).
This is the standard that existed before the current one.
Size: Medium in size
Shape: Strong bone
Forehead: Slightly rounded
Cheeks: Full, somewhat rounded
Nose: Of medium length without stop, but with a slight indentation.
Chin: Firm
Shape: Rather small with rounded tips
Placement: Set slightly tipped, not too upright on the skull with good width between
Shape: Not quite round, slightly oval
Colour: Deep blue
Size: Not too small or too dominating (NEW)
Placement: Set well apart (NEW)
Structure: Slightly long body. Males must be more massive than females.
LEGS Short and strong
Paws: Rounded
Gloves: The special feature of the Sacred Birman is the white feet, called "gloves" on both the front and hind feet. These gloves must be absolutely pure white. They should stop at the articulation or at the transition of toes to metacarpals, over wich they should not extend. Slightly longer white gloves on the hind feet can be tolerated.
On the back of the hind feet the white gloves end in points. The ideal "gauntlets" end in inverte "V"s and extend 1/2 to 3/4 of the way up the hock. Lower or higher gauntlets are acceptable but should not go beyond the hock. It is important that the gloves are equally long and show symmetry of white, on either the two front or two hind feet, or even better, on all four feet.
Of medium length, forming a plume
Long to semi-long, according to the actual parts of the body; short on the face, gradually growing longer on the cheeks to a full frill, long on the back and the flanks. Silky texture. Little undercoat.
Shows all characteristics known from the colourpointed cats, but all four (4) feets are white (gloves). The points include the face, ears, legs, tail and genitals.
The points shall be even and in good contrast to the body colour.
(DELETE ! The body colour and colour of the tummy is a very pale egg shell; the back is golden beige in all varieties).
(REPLACE WITH; The body colour is showing a slight shade of point colour, gradually shading to a lighter tone on the stomach and chest.
Pure white or coloured patches on the chest or the stomach may be seen in cats with a darker body colour).
Only in adult cats the colour of the points and the body colour are fully developed.
The Sacred Birman shows a special morphology which is unique for the breed.
(DELETE: Pure white or coloured patches on the chest or the stomach.)
See; COAT - colour
FAULTS (Precluding the certifikat)
Incompletely pigmented nose leather.
Creeping up of the white on the sides or the reverse sides of the gloves of front and/ or hind feet (known as "runners"). Absence of "gauntlets" on the hind feet.
White patching in the (DELETE: coloured) REPLACE WITH; pointed areas or the reverse. (DELETE; A white patch on the genitals).
Motivering till de föreslagna ändringarna gällande standardtexten
Colour: Gällande ändringen: "The body colour is showing a slight shade of point colour, gradually shading to a lighter tone on the stomach and chest". Det genetiskt korrekta är att kattens kroppsfärg antar en ton av maskfärgen, som gradvis går mot en ljusare ton från rygg mot mage / bröst.
Faults - coat (Precluding the certificate)
Ändringen "coloured" till "pointed" har gjorts för att poängtera att det endast gäller kattens maskade partier - inte en eventuell mörk kroppsfärg.
Standard - General
Eyes: Ögonens färg, form, storlek och placering är väsentliga delar i det som skapar den karaktäristiska "vänliga birmalooken".
(Justification for the proposed changes to the current standard text.
Colour: Proposed text: "The body color is showing a slight shade of color point gradually shading to a lighter tone on the stomach and chest".
The genetically correct is that the cat's body color assumes a tone of mask color, which gradually moving towards a brighter tone from back to stomach / chest.
Faults - Coat (Precluding the certificate)
The change "colored" to "pointed" has been made to point out that it only applies the birmans pointed parts - not a dark body color.
Standard - General
Eyes: The eye color, shape, size and placement are essential elements in a birman that gives the cat the characteristic "friendly birman look").
General shape, cheeks, nose, jaws and teeth, forhead, chin placement and shape of the ears, shape and colour of the eyes
20 points
Colour, shape, size and placement 10 points
Shape, size, bone structure, legs and shape of paws 20 points
Length and shape 5 points (10 points)
Body colour and points 15 points
Quality and texture, length 10 points
On the front feet 5 points
(UTGÅR; On the hind feet) (5 points)
ERSÄTTS MED; On the hind feet, including gauntlets 5 points
(UTGÅR; Gauntlets) (5 points)
Unformity and symmetry of gauntlets and gloves 5 points
Condition 5 points
TOTAL 100 points
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Motivering till de föreslagna ändringarna i text och poängfördelning
Head/Eyes: Den nya poängfördelningen medför att man ger "eyes" en egen poäng. Ögonens poäng har tidigare ingått i totalsumman för "Head".
"Head" behåller sin poäng. De 10 poängen till "Eyes" hämtas från "Tail" (5 p) och "Gloves on the hind feet & Gauntlets" (5 p). Både "Tail" och "Gloves and Gauntlets" ska dock fortfarande beskrivas och bedömas som tidigare.
Anledningen till att man speciellt vill uppmärksamma kattens "ögon" är att man då lättare kan bevara / definiera birmakattens "look" ...
Utvärdering och sammanställning av seminariedeltagarnas arbete;
Kerstin Zimmerman & Lisa Karlsson